Author Picture : Jessica Steininger

Jessica Steininger

Personal Statement

I'm a third-year student at the Southern Institute of Technology, pursuing a Bachelor of Screen Arts with a major in animation. As an animation enthusiast, I have always been interested in working in the film industry and one day being part of the building blocks that make movies an exceptional experience. I also enjoy being part of a creative team and growing as an artist. I am eager to take on the challenge when leadership opportunities arise, irrespective of time and pressure. Whether it's for my personal life, academics or volunteer projects, I'm motivated to strive for personal excellence in everything I do.

Frequently Asked Questions

I originate from Germany and Austria and currently reside in New Zealand. I have lived in the Middle East and Egypt and plan to explore many more regions. 

I'm native/bilingual in English and German and consider them both my mother language.

As part of my school curriculum and personal endeavours, I have also studied Arabic, French and Spanish. However, I mainly possess an elementary proficiency/understanding of these languages. 

To list nothing but the obvious, I spend most of my time refining my digital and traditional art skills, as therein lies my passion. In my free time, I also enjoy playing board games, watching movies, listening to music, going on long walks, bicycling, and playing football.

Like many people, I grew up watching animated movies from studios such as Disney, DreamWorks, and Pixar, just to mention a few.

By the 7th grade, I developed a passion for storytelling in the media arts and 
since then, I have tried to take on as many challenges that bring me closer to becoming an animator in the film industry!

I am always open for commission, freelance and on-site work.
Sending me a message using the Contact Form is the best way to answer this question.

I can't wait to hear from you! 

I have a sweet tooth for treats! If I could, I would have desserts for breakfast, lunch and dinner!